Advanced Analytic
Growth, focus & analysis.
Corporate Finance
Strategy is the foundation.
Business Consultation
Professional skilled team.

nuestra empresa
Logramos convenios que resultan en tu beneficio
PACIFIC está conformada por un grupo multidisciplinario con amplia experiencia en el mercado asegurador Venezolano.
Nuestro enfoque es la atención integral de todas las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Es por ello que los acompañamos en todo momento en cuanto a prevención y control de riesgos.

about companyMake Digital Marketing
Make Digital Marketing
Work For Your Business
Our clients’ needs are constantly changing, so we continually seek new and better ways to serve them. To do this, we are bringing new talent into the firm, acquiring new companies, and developing new capabilities, for example, in design.
We serve clients at every level of their organization, whether as a trusted advisor to top management or as a hands-on coach.
Preguntas frecuentes
Resguardamos su bienestar y el de los suyos
Exceptional Client Service
Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text.
A Great Team and Winning Culture
Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text.
A Commitment to Integrity, Fairness
Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text.

Aquí encontrará los seguros para particulares que necesite.
Si el asegurado sufre una enfermedad o lesión, podrá acceder al servicio médico que necesite.
Combinado residencial
Es un seguro que cubre cualquier imprevisto que pueda surgir dentro o fuera de la vivienda.
Es muy útil para quien viaja y quiere tener una seguridad por si le ocurre algún imprevisto.
Accidentes Personales
Este seguro está centrado en la persona física, da cobertura a la integridad física del asegurado.
Es una prestación de servicios para garantizar el sepelio al asegurado fallecido.
El seguro de vida garantiza la protección de las personas que el asegurado tiene a su cargo.
Aquí encontrará los seguros para proteger su empresa o industria.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Colectivo de Salud
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Flota de Automóvil
Combinado empresarial
Responsabilidad Civil General
Se cubrirán las indemnizaciones por daños corporales, materiales o patrimoniales causados a terceros.
Accidentes Personales
Este seguro cubre los accidentes que pueda sufrir el trabajador en el desempeño de su labor.
01Client Learning
Client Learning
Accelerate your innovation and transformation with a fully integrated suite of capabilities that puts digital at the heart of everything you do.
Accelerate your innovation and transformation with a fully integrated suite of capabilities that puts digital at the heart of everything you do.
03New Business
New Business
Accelerate your innovation and transformation with a fully integrated suite of capabilities that puts digital at the heart of everything you do.
04Digital Delivery
Digital Delivery
Accelerate your innovation and transformation with a fully integrated suite of capabilities that puts digital at the heart of everything you do.

our benefits
The Best Way To Start Your Business Right Now
Passion for Results
Discover the emerging technologies most relevant to your strategy by working with our community.
Quality Services
Discover the emerging technologies most relevant to your strategy by working with our community.
Diversity & Inclusion
Discover the emerging technologies most relevant to your strategy by working with our community.
Nos esforzamos en garantizar su tranquilidad cuando más lo necesita
What People Say About Us
We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.
“We know a diverse workforce and an inclusive culture matters to our clients. Through philanthropy and employee volunteerism, we support the diverse communities where our employees live.”

Oliver Simson
client of company“We know a diverse workforce and an inclusive culture matters to our clients. Through philanthropy and employee volunteerism, we support the diverse communities where our employees live.”

Mary Grey
client of company“We know a diverse workforce and an inclusive culture matters to our clients. Through philanthropy and employee volunteerism, we support the diverse communities where our employees live.”

Samanta Fox
client of company“We know a diverse workforce and an inclusive culture matters to our clients. Through philanthropy and employee volunteerism, we support the diverse communities where our employees live.”

Oliver Simson
client of company“We know a diverse workforce and an inclusive culture matters to our clients. Through philanthropy and employee volunteerism, we support the diverse communities where our employees live.”

Mary Grey
client of company“We know a diverse workforce and an inclusive culture matters to our clients. Through philanthropy and employee volunteerism, we support the diverse communities where our employees live.”

Samanta Fox
client of company portfolio
Our Latest Case Studies
Años de
Fidelidad y
Casos de
Años de
Te puede interesar
We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.